The subject property is located on a corridor with an average daily traffic count of over 50,000 and 1.13 acres makes this investment a Unique Value-Add Opportunity. Major National Tenants in the immediate vicinity include Walmart, Home Depot, Dollar General, Big Lots, ALDI, CVS Pharmacy, McDonald’s, Burger King, Wawa, Bank of America, Dunkin’ Donuts, Advance Auto Parts, Panera Bread, Sherwin’ Williams, O’Reilly Auto Parts and others.
The future land use of this property is Community Mixed Use 35 (CMU-35). This designation provides for horizontal and vertical mixed-use development and single-use commercial and residential development that includes Retail, service, office, and Residential uses (by either density or floor area ratio), Gathering places such as a plaza, courtyard, or park; Compatible public, quasi-public, and special uses; and Development should include a mix of non- residential and residential uses with more intense development near major intersections.
This area is set to transform in the next 5 years due to the billion dollar plus development “Rithm at Uptown” which will be a 100 plus acre urban neighborhood development that will house not only people, but restaurants, shops and burgeoning technology and science companies.
In close proximity to the expansion of the Tourist Site for Yuengling Brewery Company's Campus Expansion in Tampa Florida.
Strong Drivers Nearby: Tampa International Airport, Downtown Tampa, strong student basis from the University of South Florida and University of Tampa, University Mall and local attractions like Busch Gardens, and professional sporting venues for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Tampa Bay Lightning. Fully signalized intersection
1.13 Acres
Tampa/St. Petersburg
Northeast Tampa
50,500 average daily traffic count
1.13 acres
Future Land Use: Community Mixed Use 35
4 blocks from Busch Gardens
Fully signalized intersection
Strong Market with Growing Demographics
Future Land Use Maximum Density 35.0 Units/Net Acre